Podcasts – The Tim Ferriss Show

Every morning and every evening I have to brave the traffic towards my office and home. That means I am spending on average 54mins each way. I tried finding ways to fill my time. Previously, I used to play DVD’s in the car but I guess after a while I got a little bored with them. Until I found the beauty of podcasts.

The Tim Ferriss Show

The Tim Ferriss Podcast

Catch the Time Ferriss Podcast on iTunes

Almost every week Tim interviews amazing world class performers on his podcast and the insights are incredible. Each episode is long, ranging from an hour to 2 hours for some.

Tim Ferriss really needs no introduction, he is the author of The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated, The 4-Hour Body, and the 4-hour Chef. His podcast has been downloaded more than 70million times.

I have been listening to his podcasts for the last couple of months now and it has been really enlightening. Great insights and great pointers which I have picked up from the podcasts.

Favourite Episodes

Here are some of my favourite episodes from his long lists of episodes.

There are many more episodes. For me, I just subscribe to Tim’s podcast on iTunes and play it off my iPhone on the way to work.

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